
Hikmahnya Kita Tahu Siapa Musuh Islam Dan Siapa Kawan Islam - KRITIK & ULASAN.

Pada dasarnya lebih dahulu kita kena mengerti :  tahu : mengenal apa itu Islam (الإسلام) seterusnya ambil tahu siapa yang benar golongan Islam (الإسلام) dan siapa yang menjadi musoh bagi Islam (الإسلام) yang benar itu.

* Apa itu Islam (الإسلام) ?
* Siapa yang menguatkuasakan Islam (الإسلام) kepada mana-mana anak Adam ?
* Pada bahagian mana jasad anak Adam itu IslamNya (الإسلام) itu bersarang ?
* Terhadap apakah anak Adam itu menguatkuasakan IslamNya (الإسلام) ?
* Apakah had (hudud), batasan antara Islam (الإسلام) VS Non Islam (اليهود, النصارا, الشعاءيه الوههابيه) ?
* Bagaimana menjadi golongan Islam (الإسلام) yang benar lagi diredhoi Allah ?
* Bagaimana permulaan gugur : gelincir dari golongan yang diredhoi Allah Islam (الإسلام) ?

Islam (لا : اله : لله - الإسلام) adalah perkara i'ttiqad (اعتقاد - yakin qalbu) terhadap hak dan kekuasaan mutlak zat Allah yang berbilang-bilang, antara i'ttiqad : اعتقاد yang diredhoi Allah VS i'ttiqad : اعتقاد yang dilaknati Allah... (I'ttiqad : اعتقاد - yakin qalbu اليهود, النصارا, الإسلام, الشعاءيه, الوههابيه... dan hanya i'ttiqad : اعتقاد - yakin qalbu الإسلام : Islam sahaja yang diredhoi Allah kerana berlaku Syirik @ tidak melakukan Syirik : merampas, mendahului, sekutui serta tidak mengadakan tandingan dan bandingan bagi hak dan kekuasaan mutlak zat Allah serta tidak menjadikan hak dan kekuasaan mutlak zat Allah sebagai hak diri, keturunan, kaum, puak, jama'ah, partinya sahaja.

Islam (لا : اله : لله - الإسلام) - pokok ketuhanan-2 @ tauhid-2 @ i'ttiqad Uluhiyyah : perihal hak dan kekuasaan mutlak zat Allah yang tidak boleh di Syirikkan (يشرك : تشرك باالله) WAJIB BUKAN Agama (رب : وجود :حد - الدين) - pokok ketuhanan-1 @ tahid-1 @ tauhid Rububiyyah - perihak zat Allah yang tidak boleh di Murtadkan (يرتد : يرتدد معكم عن دينه).

MAKA siapa pun yang merasakan diri, keturunan, kaum, puak, jama'ah, partinya tersangat lebih Islam (الإسلام) wajib lebih dahulu mengenal diri dan mengenal akan Islam (الإسلام) itu, sebelum mengenali musoh bagi Islam (الإسلام) itu.
YoS BieJay
PChepa, Kelantan.

2 ulasan:

Ab Rahman Yaacob berkata...

Basically we have to understand: know: know what Islam (الإسلام) is and then find out who the true Muslims are (الإسلام) and who are the enemies of the true Islam (الإسلام).

* What is Islam (الإسلام)?
* Who enforces Islam (الإسلام) on any of Adam's children?
* In what part of the body of the son of Adam does his Islam (الإسلام) lie?
* Against what does the son of Adam enforce his Islam (الإسلام)?
* What is the limit (hudud), limitation between Islam (الإسلام) VS Non Islam (اليهود, النصارا, الشعاءيه الوههابيه)?
* How to become a true and respected Muslim (الإسلام)?
* How does the fall start: slipping from the God-fearing group of Allah (الإسلام)?

Islam (لا: اله: لله - الإسلام) is the matter of i'ttiqad (اعتقاد - qalbu belief) of the absolute right and power of the multiplicity of the substance of Allah, between the i'ttiqad: اعتقاد which Allah vindicates VS i'ttiqad: اعتقاد Allah ... (I'ttiqad: اعتقاد - sure qalbu اليهود, النصارا, الإسلام, الشعاءيه, الوههابيه ... and only i'ttiqad: اعتقاد - sure qalbu الإسلام: Islam is the only thing that Allah condemns because Shirk: subjugate, subjugate, alliance and make no representations and comparisons to the absolute right and power of the substance of God and do not constitute the absolute right and power of the substance of God as the right of self, posterity, race, clan, congregation, party.

Islam (لا: اله: لله - الإسلام) - divinity-2 @ tauhid-2 @ i'ttiqad Uluhiyyah: The absolute right and power of the substance of God that cannot be denied (يشرك: تشرك باالله) MUST NOT BE Religious (رب: وجود : حد - الدين) - Godhead-1 @ tahid-1 @ monotheist Rububiyyah - the substance of God's substance that cannot be ascertained (يرتد: يرتدد معكم عن دينه).

Whoever feels that their descent, race, tribe, clan, pilgrim, party to Islam (الإسلام) must first know and know Islam (الإسلام), before recognizing the cause for Islam (الإسلام).
YoS BieJay
PCeba, Kelantan.

Ab Rahman Yaacob berkata...

Basically we have to understand: know: know what Islam (الإسلام) is and then find out who the true Muslims are (الإسلام) and who are the enemies of the true Islam (الإسلام).

* What is Islam (الإسلام)?
* Who enforces Islam (الإسلام) on any of Adam's children?
* In what part of the body of the son of Adam does his Islam (الإسلام) lie?
* Against what does the son of Adam enforce his Islam (الإسلام)?
* What is the limit (hudud), limitation between Islam (الإسلام) VS Non Islam (اليهود, النصارا, الشعاءيه الوههابيه)?
* How to become a true and respected Muslim (الإسلام)?
* How does the fall start: slipping from the God-fearing group of Allah (الإسلام)?

Islam (لا: اله: لله - الإسلام) is the matter of i'ttiqad (اعتقاد - qalbu belief) of the absolute right and power of the multiplicity of the substance of Allah, between the i'ttiqad: اعتقاد which Allah vindicates VS i'ttiqad: اعتقاد Allah ... (I'ttiqad: اعتقاد - sure qalbu اليهود, النصارا, الإسلام, الشعاءيه, الوههابيه ... and only i'ttiqad: اعتقاد - sure qalbu الإسلام: Islam is the only thing that Allah condemns because Shirk: subjugate, subjugate, alliance and make no representations and comparisons to the absolute right and power of the substance of God and do not constitute the absolute right and power of the substance of God as the right of self, posterity, race, clan, congregation, party.

Islam (لا: اله: لله - الإسلام) - divinity-2 @ tauhid-2 @ i'ttiqad Uluhiyyah: The absolute right and power of the substance of God that cannot be denied (يشرك: تشرك باالله) MUST NOT BE Religious (رب: وجود : حد - الدين) - Godhead-1 @ tahid-1 @ monotheist Rububiyyah - the substance of God's substance that cannot be ascertained (يرتد: يرتدد معكم عن دينه).

Whoever feels that their descent, race, tribe, clan, pilgrim, party to Islam (الإسلام) must first know and know Islam (الإسلام), before recognizing the cause for Islam (الإسلام).
YoS BieJay
PCeba, Kelantan.


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